Psoriasis Explained: Managing This Chronic Skin Condition

Psoriasis Explained: Managing This Chronic Skin Condition

1. What Exactly is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes cells to build up rapidly, creating thick, red, scaly patches that can be itchy or painful. Psoriasis is a chronic issue, meaning it can come and go throughout your life. 2. What Are the Common...
5 Ways to Make Your HydraFacial Results Last Longer

5 Ways to Make Your HydraFacial Results Last Longer

If you want to rejuvenate healthy, glowing skin, HydraFacial is a great option! If you’re currently planning for a facial treatment or have recently received a HydraFacial, we recommend the following tips for long-lasting results. What is a HydraFacial?...
Does Ultherapy Help With Skin Tightening?

Does Ultherapy Help With Skin Tightening?

As we age, our skin undergoes various changes, including the loss of collagen and elastin fibers. This leads to loss of skin elasticity and sagging or drooping of skin on the brows, lower face and neck. If you are looking for a non-invasive treatment option for...
What Causes Adult Acne and How to Treat It

What Causes Adult Acne and How to Treat It

Acne is a skin disorder that most often affects teens, although it may also affect adults. Adult acne is a chronic condition that may be distressing and difficult to manage. If you’re struggling with adult acne, then it’s best to consult a board-certified...