Is Ultherapy Painful? Answering Common Questions About Ultherapy

Are you noticing your skin aging and want to do something about it? Ultherapy is a great treatment for people looking to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles on their face, neck, and chest. This safe and effective technology boasts minimal downtime and can help restore volume in your skin that has been lost over time. However, many patients want to know if Ultherapy is painful before they commit themselves long-term.

In this article, we discuss the answers to common questions regarding Ultherapy procedures and answer them by deconstructing some of the most popular myths associated with the procedure:

What Is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a non-invasive treatment that works by using high-frequency ultrasound technology which stimulates the skin to produce collagen. This process can tighten sagging neck and facial skin, reduce wrinkles, improve firmness around the chin/jawline and more!

Is Ultherapy Painful?

This is a common question for patients considering Ultherapy. It’s no secret that many people are apprehensive about the pain associated with medical procedures, especially those done on the face and neck.

Thankfully, Ultherapy is a very tolerable procedure! The vast majority of patients report that it’s not painful at all. Additionally, the treatment needs little downtime allowing you to return to work, normal home life, and daily activities immediately!

Is Ultherapy Safe?

This question often relates to concerns about the treatment not being safe as it is a form of energy therapy utilizing ultrasound waves and electricity.

This should not be a concern though, as Ultherapy has been around for many years, and the technology well understood and tested. Dr. Gray’s team of skilled experts can settle any specific questions of safety during your initial consultation.

What Areas Does It Treat?

Patients come to Ultherapy because they want their skin tightened. If this is your goal, you can expect results in the eyebrows and around the eyes and lips, lower face, neck, and upper chest or cleavage area. Ultherapy is best for those seeking a non-surgical alternative to rejuvenate the skin around their face and neck.

When Can I See Results?

While each patient’s experience is unique, results are lasting and can typically be seen most evidently over 2-4 months. These results are most noticeable at 6 months and can last for a year or longer in some instances. Be sure to ask any questions you may have about results during your consultation to get an idea of what kind of timeline you can expect.

What Are The Side Effects of Ultherapy?

There are no long-term side effects to Ultherapy whatsoever! It’s not uncommon for some patients to feel a bit red, swollen or itchy immediately after treatment – but this is very temporary and typically goes away within an hour of having your session finished. Most patient skin will feel slightly tender for a few weeks. Some patients experience mild bruising, which will resolve itself on its own by about one week post-treatment, but if you have concerns, be sure to speak with your doctor before your first procedure to help guide you through how best to prepare yourself beforehand.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re struggling with sagging skin in the lower face and neck area Ultherapy might be right for you! Reach out to our office to schedule a consultation today! Call or fill out our online contact form to speak with Dr. DeEtta Gray, at her Bellevue, Washington office today!